I help entrepreneurial leaders engage and inspire their stakeholders with storytelling.

You seek to change hearts and minds to attract more funding. You need to hone your story to engage your stakeholders, attract talent and compel customers or investors.

Sophie at Greentown

I guide you in clarifying your stories and tapping your unique presence as leader and catalyst for change.


My leadership journey taught me the power of stories to inspire, raise funds and build excitement about a new mission. Over the past two decades, I have served as an executive leader and speaker for nonprofit organizations and an award-winning author.

As coach and collaborator, I draw out your best stories and explore how to weave them into your pitch or presentation. You’ll develop new presentation skills: how to hold your audience’s attention from your opening to your last slide. How to tune into nonverbal cues, build trust and engagement. And you’ll get tailored feedback that prepares you to make high stakes presentations that are memorable.

''Sophie’s willingness to dig into my material yielded not only better delivery on my part, but a far better message for me to deliver. Sophie not only imparts her expertise and wisdom, she takes the time to understand my needs and vulnerabilities in a meaningful way to help me grow.
Sharon Suman
Business Planner, Canadian Tire